Our Approach

Our Approach

The Phases through which the whole experience goes for our customer, the approach that we take so that every requirement of our customer is heard and fulfilled by Mediplus India Limited.

Analysis & Scope

The analysis phase is all about setting up the project for success. Next, you define a scope. Understant the design challenge.


Medical device design is the first stage in the production of new tools, appliances, and instruments for use in a wide variety of medical and surgical processes.

Specification Phase

The Specification phase is an important step that helps you focus on creating learning experiences for your specific learner.

Production Phase

The appearance model may comprise rendered images from an industrial designer or a physical mock-up made from foam board or 3D printing. It may look like the final product. It is used to demonstrate the size, colors, control locaions, actuator size/locaion, and other visual features.

Evaluation Testing Segment

The evaluation phase involves testing the project against the original specification. Use quality assurance (QA) testing, acceptance testing, and analysis to see how the product is performing in a range of technical environments.