Sunlac as a part of its endeavour closely works with several OEM’s in order to understand their perennial problems and develops most suitable product both on quality and costing. For this Sunlac welcomes End Users of Paint / Coatings / Building Materials to share their requirement with an intention of getting appropriate product and usage suggestion.
Become an End UserSunlac has plans to expand its product visibility across every class of City / Town / Village across the country. For this we have associated with various sales points like Wholesale Traders / Retailers. These Wholeselers / Retailers are responsible for stocking, display and sales of our products. In nutshell they are our extended hands. Sunlac plans to increase its retail network in areas unrepresented as on now.
Sunlac welcomes interested firms wishing to become part of Sunlac network.
Sunlac believes in strong distribution network. Sunlac’s distributors are those who strongly associate with the company and become brand ambassadors for its products in their respective geographical area. Our distributors are responsible for stocking, sales and marketing of our products. They have to be self working based on the training and guidelines provided by the company. Sunlac welcomes such entities wishing to join us as a Distributor.
Become a DistributorBecoming C&F Agent of Sunlac calls for complete area understanding and confidence of delivering great business volumes. Sunlac has reservations in appointing C&F Agent in any area. Sunlac calls for or opens C&F Agent based on the current / expected business potential. Prospective firms having experience in related products can send their interest.
Become a C & F Agent